Saturday 20 th January WOAH!!!! Pain has kicked in!!!! The radiation pain has elevated x10. Heads about to explode and my chest and back…..WOAH!!!!!........DRUGS ASAP!!! On a better note at least, I had a better night’s sleep, in the first time in over a week I’ve slept more than 4 hrs!!! In the attempt to make the most of the good times we decided to go on a little impromptu trip away for the weekend!! Kane managed to get us a little beach house in Rye. The girls are pumped… a road trip! Mum came with us too! We arrived at the house and it’s ummmmmm OK! It’s trying to be a Tuscan style beach house but well isn’t! Anyway, I guess it all added to the adventure of the trip. We spent the afternoon at Rye beach and played in the sand and water. The rest of the trip was chillaxing, we ate average Thai takeaway cuisine and watched Adam Sandler movies until it was bed time! The next day Kano made us a yummy big breakky and the girls played backyard cricket and dance...